Informal Assessments for Special Education
Collecting data is a MUST in special education. It is imperative to monitor progress and update student goals. Collecting data can become routine when you have the right tools to do it. Unfortunately, my first classroom did not have any informal assessments for special education. So I decided to create my own!
Assessments for Special Education!
As a result of needing tools, I created these resources. These are informal assessments for special education in the areas of Reading, Writing, and Math. Two versions: one printable (pdf) and one digital (interactive and to be used with Google Classroom™).
Each grade level (K-8) has three volumes available for purchase. The reading comprehension assessments include leveled reading passages and several pages of comprehension questions. You can download a freebie of each grade level K-8. However, only paid versions include answer keys and sample IEP goals. Look for printable and digital versions!

There are three volumes of writing prompts and assessments. Writing prompts are broken down by category (click here to see the categories: printable or digital). Paid versions include answer keys and sample IEP goals.

Three volumes of informal math assessments: printable or digital (self-grading). Get a good idea of your student’s math abilities. For example, determine which grade level your student is independently working at. Download a printable FREE SAMPLE HERE. But remember, only paid versions include answer keys and sample IEP goals.

So download the printable FREEBIES in my store! Click HERE!
Need more information on baseline data, assessments, and progress monitoring? Read more HERE!
In addition to this post, you may also like: Finding the Appropriate Math Level for My Students and reading informational text worksheets.
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