Start with the BASELINE DATA!

It’s almost the start of the school year!! New teacher, new assignment, new school, new classroom, new grade level, new to special education.….WHAT DO I NEED?!?  I know I’ll need to assessments for special education to collect baseline data!

When I first started teaching in special education, I was hired as an intern in a K-2 Special Day Class (SDC) at Title I school.  For those that do not know, a Title I school is a very low-income school.  This particular school had few resources to give to the special education department.  Therefore, teachers were expected to pay for their own supplies.

Questions From a New Teacher

At that point in my life, I was still in school for my credential. Who has money to furnish and supply their own classrooms?  Plus, I was a new teacher!  I already had so many questions!

What supplies does the classroom already have?

Am I expected to buy a ton?

Will the school provide anything for me?

When can I get the keys to my classroom?….Wait…What?…..Two days before school starts and the students come!?!

Nothing like starting off the school year feeling stressed, behind, nervous, and totally clueless!  I told myself to calm down and take one thing at a time.  Looking back at Special Education 101, one of the first things they tell you is: DATA, DATA, DATA!


Collecting data is so important in special education.  At that point I was starting off my first year teaching in two days with no way to collect data.  Therefore, I scrounged, searched, and ultimately came up with my own version of data collection to help me start the year.

Unfortunately, that was such a stressful time in the beginning of my career.  I would never wish anyone to have to go through that panic.  The next year I was hired as a full time middle school resource teacher.  Remembering the start of my first year, I came up with a new plan during the summer before the first day of school.

Use an All-In-One Data Collection Package for grades K-8

I created my own Reading Comprehension, Writing, and Math assessments for grades K-8 to ensure that no matter what school I teach at, I would always have a way to start my year and collect some baseline data.


These assessments are yearlong so that I could provide semester, trimester, or quarterly data.  The assessments give such a great analysis of students basic levels that they can be used in general education classrooms and Response to Intervention (RTI) programs in addition to special education!

Need more information about Reading or Writing